Bathtub Faucet Repair

Whether your old bathtub faucet has lost it’s chrome finish, or it has suddenly started to leak, I intend to walk you through how to replace that faucet in this blog post.
For starters, you may feel inclined to shut off the water supply to your bathtub/shower. This is not necessary due to the fact that your tub’s faucet handle is working as a shut-off valve. As long as you don’t turn the water on at the faucet, locating the shut-off valve is not necessary for this repair.
To begin with you want to remove the old faucet. Your faucet is screwed onto a copper pipe or PVC plastic fitting. Therefore you can easily remove the faucet by turning it counterclockwise. This step may require you to use a set of large pliers for those first couple of turns.
After you have removed the old faucet you should see a copper pipe like the one displayed below. This pipe may have threads on the end of it, or it may have a PVC fitting slipped over it, similar to the photos depicted lower in this blog post.
If you have a threaded copper fitting on the end of your pipe, you will first want to clean it with a wire brush. After it is completely clean, wrap two round of plumbers tape around the threads. Now you are ready to screw your new faucet on.
If your copper pipe does not have threading, you will need to utilize the PVC adapter that comes in most all faucet replacement kits.
The PVC adapter consists of 3 components. You will want to install the first component (shown below) first. Make sure that the black O-ring is securely in place.

*Note: Most instructions tell you to insert the entire PVC adapter assembly onto the copper tubing at one time. When you install the adapter this way the black silicone O-ring has a tendency to become displaced from it’s intended location. This O-ring serves as a safety catch for any unintended water back-flow. If the plumbers tape on the end of the PVC adapter fails someday down the road, this O-ring is in place to ensure water does not flood the back of your bathtub.
Now you are ready to install the rest of the PVC adapter. This portion of the adapter will thread itself onto the adapter you have already installed.
Next, tighten the stainless steel screw depicted in the picture below. This screw grips the copper tubing and helps keep your faucet securely in place.

Lastly apply two rounds of plumbers tape to the threads located on the end of the adapter and you are ready to screw your new faucet over the PVC adapter.
Once I have installed a new faucet, I always like to lay a new bead of caulking around the area where the faucet meets the tile wall. This helps ensure that no water will creep behind your faucet to cause water damage.
I hope you have found this blog post helpful! If you are in my area and would like help installing your bathtub/shower faucet, please don’t hesitate to give me a call!
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